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Based on clients ’demand, 3DS offers the turn-key solution of office and workshop area for your company. 3DS provides integrated service including interior decoration, custom furniture, mechanical and electrical equipment installation, fire-fighting system, security, HVAC and plumbing etc.
Fire-fighting engineering
Heat?ventilation?air-conditioning engineering
Intelligent communication system engineering
workshop power distribution and lighting project
compressed air pipeline engineering
Industrial Ground Engineering
Outdoor Facility Construction
Steel structure engineering
Service Flow
Design proposal
Copyright ?  2015-2016  3DS Engineering Procurement Construction Kunshan Co., Ltd  Hotline: 0086-512-57665589
Address:108 Dongfang Road,Xinzhen,Kunshan,Jiangsu, 215337 China Tel: 0086-512-57665589   ICP:05008895
Fax: 0086-512-57665579 Web site: www.3ds.net.cn E-mail: info@3ds.net.cn